Al-Nassr FC Visits Baghdad

The President of the Iraqi Football Association, Adnan Darjal, hosted a morning tour of Baghdad for the delegation from Saudi Al-Nassr FC, including Executive Director Ahmed Al-Ghamdi and renowned Spanish footballer Fernando Hierro.

The visiting delegation expressed their delight at the opportunity to explore Iraq, describing their visit as exceptional and highlighting the strong bonds of friendship between the two nations. Fans noted the absence of Cristiano Ronaldo from the visit, who missed the trip due to a viral infection. Ronaldo shared an Instagram story, wishing his teammates success and sending a special message to his Iraqi fans: “Wishing my teammates the best of luck for the game and a special message to all my fans in Iraq. Hope to see you all soon.”

Fernando Hierro, the celebrated Spanish national team player and Real Madrid star, expressed his pleasure with the visit, despite its brevity. He conveyed his eagerness to return and experience more of Baghdad’s landmarks in the future.

Ahmed Al-Ghamdi expressed his deep gratitude for the warm hospitality extended by Adnan Darjal, noting that such a reception exemplifies the kindness of the Iraqi people.

Source: Iraq Football Association

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