
  • UCMT.IQ and IINA Conduct Photojournalism Training for Female Students

    The Union Center for Media Training (UCMT.IQ) organised a photo journalism course in Baghdad on the 23rd of February, for female journalists and media professionals. This is to empower women in their professional endeavours as well as enhancing their media skills. The course was led in partnership with the  Iraq…

  • IINA and Impress Conduct a Training Course in Photojournalism in Karbala

    The Iraq International News Agency, in partnership with the Karbala Institute for Media Development, and in collaboration with the UCMT.IQ Media Training Institute and Impress Association in the United Kingdom, proudly announces a specialised, training course in Photojournalism. This unique opportunity welcomes participants to attend the course in person, providing…

  • TAQAT Forum: Supporting the Iraqi Youth

    London – (iina) The Iraqi Embassy in London organised the TAQAT Forum, bringing together the Iraqi diaspora to discuss entrepreneurial ideas and ways to succeed in the areas of E-Commerce, Fintech, Tourism, Healthcare, Education, and Construction. The event targets the youth that is looking for inspirations and opportunities for their…

  • IINA Photojournalism Course: Feedback from the Students As the students participating in the photojournalism course start their first week, they express their opinion on the initial theory training they’ve received. Iraq International News Agency works on the development of journalism in Iraq, as well as giving opportunities to passionate and talented people. Published: 21st December, 2023…

  • IINA and Impress Run a Training Course in Photojournalism

    The International Iraq News Agency, collaborated with the Al-Bashir Foundation for Development and the Independent Monitor for the Press CIC in the United Kingdom. Along with the participation of the College of Mass Communication at the University of Baghdad, under the direct supervision of the Communications and Media Commission. The…

  • The International Day of Persons with Disabilities in Iraq Baghdad – (iina) Iraq has one of the largest cases of disabilities in the world. There are many root causes, including wars, terrorism, accidents, and birth defects. Unfortunately, many of these individuals struggle to find their voice in the Iraqi society as they feel neglected. Having very little financial…

  • The Minister of Culture of Iraq Celebrates Researchers at the International Intellectual Property Conference

    The Second International Scientific Conference on Intellectual Property and Sustainable Development took place where the Minister of Culture, Tourism, and Antiquities, Dr. Ahmed Fakkak Al-Badrani, awarded with certificates the members who provided with research and intellectual contributions to unite international framework. The conference allowed the Minister to express the importance…

  • Baghdad International Book Fair: An Open Window to Iraqi Culture Baghdad – (iina) The 24th edition of the Baghdad International Book Fair opened on Sunday, September 18th, with the participation of over 200 publishing houses from 20 Arab and foreign countries. The fair will run until September 27th. The Baghdad International Book Fair is one of the most important…

  • Baghdad International Book Fair Opens for its 24th Edition

    Baghdad – (iina) The 24th edition of the Baghdad International Book Fair opened on Sunday, September 18th, with the participation of over 200 publishing houses from 20 Arab and foreign countries. The fair will run until September 27th. The Baghdad International Book Fair is one of the most important cultural…

  • Private Schools Making a Change in Iraq’s Educational Sector

    Baghdad – (iina) In Iraq, private schools have become a vital force in the quest to improve education. These institutions provide high-quality educational experiences that compete with public establishments. They prioritize diverse educational programs, fostering comprehensive education for students. Published: 18th September, 2023 Date Taken: 14th September, 2023 City: Baghdad…

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