
  • Gherai’at plant nursery

    Plant nurseries in Iraq are increasing in popularity as demand is rising. Many of these plant nurseries, are situated in Gherai’at, located in the governorate of Baghdad. The majority of the population in this area works in the agricultural sector due to the favourable weather conditions. Photos of Al-Salsabeel Nursery…

  • Mangrove nursery in Basra to foster sustainability

    https://youtu.be/lV-lIFieRtI In a ground breaking initiative, The Government of Basra, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), and the University of Basra’s Marine Science Centre launched an ambitious mangrove nursery. This initiative, nested in the region’s tidal flats, is poised to yield up to one million mangrove seedlings annually, fostering…

  • The effects of the drought on farmers

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AavDCdJKTqA The water and climate crisis in Iraq continues to affect more farmers as a record low of rainfall has affected their incomes and forced them to move away towards the city. Faleh Obeid, a member of the farming community, and Abu Abbas Al Juboury, the president of the Union…

  • PHOTOS: Drought impacts farmland in Babylon Governorate

    Published: 24th May 2023 City: Babylon Country: Iraq Category: Environment

  • Draught halves Iraq’s agricultural areas

    Iraq, known in historical books as the land between two rivers (Mesopotamia), has had abundant access to water since the dawn of civilization. However, most of Iraq’s water resources either come from or pass through neighboring countries. Policies of these counties have reduced the water supply in Iraq, impacting agriculture…

  • Disease hits Iraq’s fisheries

    Date Created: 27 October, 2022 Reference Number: BAB2710221V For the fourth time since 2018, a fish kill has occurred in Babylon, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of tonnes of fish due to a return outbreak of the “Koi Herpes 3” virus.

  • Disease hits Iraq’s fisheries

    For the fourth time since 2018, a fish kill has occurred in Babylon, resulting in the deaths of hundreds of tonnes of fish due to a return outbreak of the “Koi Herpes 3” virus. A number of fish breeders in the Musayyib district, north of the Babil Governorate reported on…

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