Iftar at Imam Ali Shrine in Najaf

Fasting Muslims across Iraq joined together to break their fast in the courtyard of Seyedah Fatima in Najaf, located in the shrine of Imam Ali. Every day, Imam Ali’s shrine welcomes hundreds of fasting individuals of various Iraqi sects, from within Iraq and abroad.

Photo courtesy: Imam Ali Shrine

They come to partake in this blessed spiritual event. The organisers of the iftar stress that their aim is not just to provide a meal for fasting people, but to invoke a sense of community spirit, and compassion amongst all visitors to the shrine, who come to this sacred place to bask in the peace and tranquility.  

Photo courtesy: Imam Ali Shrine

Those fasting broke their fast with a special meal served under the shrine and accompanied with prayers.

Photo courtesy: Imam Ali Shrine

The shrine goers expressed their gratitude for the initiative, which provides blessings and spiritual closeness to their religion during this holy month.

Source: Imam Ali Shrine

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