Iraqi Official Makes Visits Pilgrims in Mina Camps

In a move that surprised many, Sheikh Hussein Ali Al-Yasseri, head of Iraq’s Awqaf and Tribes Committee, visited the now very busy camps of Mina. This sacred valley, a key stop for Hajj pilgrims, was buzzing with activity as thousands prepared for the next leg of their journey. 

Al-Yasseri visted to ensure Iraqi pilgrims were receiving the best possible service. He personally inspected meals, evaluated accommodation, and engaged with pilgrims about their experiences.  Many have expressed appreciation for Al-Yasseri’s dedication. His visit wasn’t just about checking boxes; it sent a powerful message – Iraqi officials cared deeply about their citizens’ well-being during this momentous pilgrimage.

The visit also served as a gentle nudge. Al-Yasseri urged the Hajj and Umrah Commission to go the extra mile, ensuring a smooth and fulfilling pilgrimage for every Iraqi pilgrim. Mina may be a temporary city, but for these faithful travelers, it represents a crucial step on their spiritual journey. 

Source: Council of Representatives

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